
Artificially Intelligible

It is finally over! This year has been the toughest I have had yet with the Open University and this lunchtime I posted my end of course project report.

The course has been on artificial intelligence and, on balance, it has been interesting and enjoyable. The problem is that part of the course made use of software that I found... uhhh... unpleasant to use, to say the least. By the sounds of it I was not alone in this. The software is a KBS (knowledge-based system) toolkit called Flex, which tries so hard to be user friendly but falls so far short. And the less said about the documentation, the better.

Anyway, the end-of-course projectlet required some experimentation with this toolkit... and hilarity ensued.

Now it's the 3-month wait for the results to come out, then two more years of study (next year its a whole year of project work, designing and building a networked application in Java) and I will finally have that degree. Almost there now...

But tonight, I will have a beer.

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