So Miss B. has now had what is, to the best of my knowledge, her first boardgame experience. I had a few coloured plastic frogs salvaged from some random game many years ago, so I drew a simple trail of lilypads leading to a win space (I was uninspired, so it was a star). Her Monkeyship coloured this in, while I stuck coloured stickers onto a spare die.
Game rules? Well, they had to be simple enough to explain to someone less than 3 years old, so it was a case of roll the die and whatever colour comes up, that frog jumps on one lilypad and says "ribbit!" The first frog to the star wins.
It didn't take long for this to really catch Miss B.'s imagination and we ended up playing this for well over an hour. Win!
So, was it harder work explaining the rules for that game to Her Monkeyship or to the Friday night games crowd in Cardiff all those years ago...
I think I know the answer.
Heh! Suddenly I'm getting vivid flashbacks. Luckily Miss B. didn't keep interrupting with "How do I win?" She was quite content with one of the frogs winning and not one of the players.
We had another few games after work this evening and it was just as entertaining. I guess next I need a game that involves some counting or something.
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